Archive for July 8, 2008

How to create a Pirate mural for your child’s room

We love Pirate bedrooms!
So we’re doing another post on how to create a pirate themed child’s room yourself but concentrating today on the DIY pirate mural and pirate wall art.

A pirate mural can be as large or as small as you wish depending on how far you want to go.
It can be the focal point in the room around which you base all your other pirate themed decor.

Pirate Room theme colours

The two ‘must have colours’ are black and red.
You gotta have those two in there, and then add in any other bright colours you like.
For pattern add in Polka dots and stripes. Stripey red curtains, polka dot cushions for example.

Murals are a wonderful way to easily give a room a completely different feel, without taking up any space.
They need not break the bank as you can do it yourself!

If you have no artistic ability, fear not!
Help is at hand as we have…


How to create a Pirate map mural.

We have three DIY Pirate Map Murals.
Two of them are Paint by Number pattern designs and the third is a sticker mural. Both our pirate map murals can be personalised with your child’s name.

Pirate Treasure Map

The designs are simple and easy to follow, even for the most unartistic person.

See how easy paint by number murals are to create by clicking here

The wonderful thing about Paint by number pirate murals is that they are so easy that you can get your child to help too.
It always is so much more special to a child when they have played a part in the creation of their room.
So let them paint in sections of the mural.
Give them larger less detailed areas if they are still quite young.
They’ll love to tell your friends “I painted that bit there”.

Pirate Map mural with scrolled edges

This pirate map mural above is very simple but impressive with it’s scrolled map edges that give it an extra dimension.

Our new Pirate themed murals

Pirate boat

Pirate Boat - the Buccaneer

Pirate Boat - the Buccaneer

Paint this pirate boat mural on a wall by itself  (making a great focal point) or position your child’s bed directly in front of it so becomes the headboard of his/her bed.
He’ll almost feel the spray of the ocean as he sails off to Pirate dreamland.

We also have another “bedhugger” which can be personalised with your little pirates name.

Pirate boat portholes

Make your child’s room seem just like the inside of a Pirate Ship.

Each of these six different port hole wall murals depict a scene you might see outside of your own ship.
They measure 12″ in diameter and would look wonderful along the length of your little pirates bed.

Choose to paint just one or do all six (or anything in between). From playful starfish, whales and a polka-dotted octopus to a treasure island, lighthouse or the ominous enemy pirate ship.

These would be also look great in a bathroom or in a nautical themed child’s room

Add some 3d interest to your Pirate mural

Party shops and fancy dress shops have great inexpensive Pirate accessories. Buy two pirate swords (cutlass)and hang them (crossed over each other ) next to the pirate map. Add pirate pistols either side of the mural, or frame pirate hats in large frame to make an original piece of wallart.

Add 3d to piarte mural

Create a original chalkboard with this skull and buried treasure mural.
Paint the board with black chalkboard paint. Skrew in a small hook on the post and to hang a little pouch to keep the chalk in.

So there you have it…A simple way to create a pirate dream room for your child.
Add in pirate accessory bedding, curtains, cushions, rugs, lampshades etc – whatever you can find and can afford to add to the room and you will have one very happy little pirate!

If you have any great pirate decor ideas, please leave a comment.



July 8, 2008 at 9:50 am Leave a comment

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